Tennessee provides a variety of benefits to veterans, including housing, education, employment, and recreational opportunities. Here are some highlights:
Housing Benefits
- State Veterans Homes: Tennessee operates veterans homes in Clarksville, Humboldt, Knoxville, and Murfreesboro, available to Tennessee residents or natives, their spouses, surviving spouses, and Gold Star Parents​​​​.
Education Benefits
- Tennessee Helping Heroes Grant: Offers $1,000 per semester for eligible veterans enrolling in 12 or more semester hours, and $500 for 6 to 11 semester hours, with specific eligibility criteria related to service medals and Tennessee residency​​​​.
- Scholarships for Surviving Military Dependents and Surviving Spouses: Provides free tuition and fees at state-supported colleges for eligible surviving dependents and spouses​​.
- Early Registration for Classes: Veterans attending public institutions in Tennessee can register for classes before the general student population​​.
Employment Benefits
- Veteran Employment Preferences: Veterans receive preference in state employment, including guaranteed interviews for those who meet job qualifications​​​​​​.
Recreational Benefits
- Hunting & Fishing License: Tennessee offers free hunting and fishing licenses to veterans with a 100% permanent disability or a 30% war-service-related disability​​.
- State Park Benefits: Discounted rates for camping and free admission on Veterans Day to state parks and golf courses​​.
Additional Benefits
- Property Tax Relief: Certain 100% disabled veterans are eligible for property tax relief on a portion of their property’s assessed value​​​​.
- Motor Vehicle Sales Tax Exemptions and Privilege Tax Waiver: Combat veterans and certain disabled veterans are eligible for exemptions and waivers on vehicle-related taxes​​.