Popular Charities that Help Veterans with Bills

Veterans who are experiencing difficult financial times may struggle with paying their bills. This can be a stressful situation, because it makes it difficult to meet your basic needs each month. There are numerous programs around the country that will help ease the burden and assist with paying your bills. There are also several popular charities that help veterans with bills.

Popular Charities that Help Veterans with Bills

Charities can found all around the country. They have typically been formed to help with a particular cause. Some charities aim to help end homelessness, poverty, or hunger. There are popular charities that help with veterans with bills, too. Those charities help make it easier for veterans to make ends meet when they are low on cash. Whether the veterans are between jobs, or they are unable to find one that pays a high enough salary,  the help is available for those who know where to find it.

Types of Popular Charities that Help Veterans with Bills

Catholic Charities â€“ Affiliated with the Catholic Church, this charity has locations around the country. They help people who have a low income, by providing them with food, locating affordable housing, and more. They will also help some veterans with bills. In order to receive financial assistance you will need to be low income and demonstrate that you need the help. It also depends on the type of bill that you are trying to get help paying. They will be more apt to helping people with paying the bills from meeting their basic needs, such as your energy bill or water bill. To inquire about getting help from Catholic Charities, use their map to find the location closest to you. Contact your local Catholic Charities office to see if they will help veterans with bills. To apply, click here.

Salvation Army â€“ With locations around the nation, the Salvation Army is another church-affiliated charity that aims to help those who need assistance. They are affiliated with the Protestant Church. Their programs will help people obtain boxes of food, hot meals, shelter beds, and more. They will also help some veterans with bills. To inquire about if your local Salvation Army helps veterans with bills, locate the branch that is closest to you. To be eligible, you will need to be low income. To apply, click here.

St. Vincent de Paul â€“ This is another charity that is faith-based and is affiliated with the Catholic Church. They offer locations around the country and provide programs to help those who are experiencing financial difficulty. In addition to having food pantries, some locations will help veterans with bills. To check with the location near you, find your local St. Vincent de Paul and contact them to see what programs they offer for veterans. To apply, click here.

United Way Worldwide â€“ The United Way helps people around the country. Their services offer people help with housing, food, and more. They are also one of the popular charities that help veterans with bills. Many charities that will help veterans with bills are smaller, and popular only in their local communities. United Way Worldwide has information on the smaller, local charities that will help veterans pay their bills. They can provide you with information on what local charities you should reach out to for assistance with bills, including if you need help paying your electric bill, heating and cooling bill, water bill, and more. By using their 2-1-1 services you can find the smaller popular charities in your area that will help with bills. Once you have that information, you can contact those charities directly. To locate local charities, click here.

These popular charities that help veterans with bills are known around the nation. But you will also find some popular charities in your local area that are known around your city. You can easily find those by reaching out to your local churches. They will often be able to provide you information about where to find help paying your bills, as well as obtaining food or housing assistance. Don’t limit yourself to only reaching out to the larger charities that are popular, because the local ones can also be quite helpful with paying bills. The help is out there when you need it, you just need to contact them to get the process started.