Financial grants

What is a Survivors Substitution for a Claim for Veterans Benefits?

Sometimes the claimant dies before VA makes a decision on his or her application. There are two possible ways for a survivor to receive a benefit under these circumstances. The first is accrued benefits and the second is a substitution for a claim. Because of the requirement that at the death, sufficient evidence had to […]

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What are Home Renovation Grants for Veterans?

Substantial amounts of grant money are available to renovate a veteran’s home where the veteran is significantly disabled. Lesser amounts called HISA Grants are available to veterans by prescription through the VA health care system where disabilities are not as severe. Housing Support for Disabled Veterans What Is a Specially Adapted Housing (SAH) Grant?The SAH

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What is CHAMPVA Health Insurance?

The Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Department of Veterans Affairs (CHAMPVA) is a comprehensive health care program in which VA shares the cost of covered health care services and supplies with eligible beneficiaries. ChampVA is a health insurance program provided by the Department of Veterans Affairs to DIC recipients. There are no premiums.

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What are State Veterans Homes and Other State Veterans Benefits?

State veterans homes are a joint venture between state veterans departments and the Department of Veterans Affairs. Subsidies come from the state, VA and other sources. Most state homes are nursing homes for veterans but some homes may also provide assisted living and other care. States also provide a litany of other benefits for their

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Eligibility for VA Health Care

The VA healthcare system is the largest single provider of healthcare in the United States and serves well over 9 million veterans. Not all veterans can receive care in the system. Eligibility includes a large list of criteria to include service-connected disability, non-service-connected disability, special service recognition, recent combat, Vietnam veterans, Gulf War veterans or

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What are Aid and Attendance Allowances with VA Compensation?

An aid and attendance allowance is paid to a veteran on claim with compensation of at least 30% or more due to the need of a spouse needing aid and attendance. A form of aid and attendance or housebound income is also available with Service Connected Compensation (SMC). Aid & Attendance Allowances for Spouses of

What are Aid and Attendance Allowances with VA Compensation? Read More »

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